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Price Diff

version Magento Adobe Commerce

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VCT Price Diff Logo


A configurable product appears to be a single product with lists of options for each variant. However, each option represents a separate product. The price displayed on the configurable product page is the lowest price among all variants. When you click on the dropdown, it displays the additional cost of the variant. This can negatively affect sales, which will not happen if the customer is informed of the price difference in a timely manner.

Hiding price difference from the dropdown of the configurable product:

  • Increase conversion. An unexpected price difference can lead to abandoned purchases. Hiding price difference encourages customers to focus on other product attributes that may be more appealing.
  • Increase higher-priced variant sales. With no price comparison, customers might be more inclined to choose the more expensive option that appeals to them more.
  • Simplify decision-making. Hiding price differences streamlines the decision-making process for customers, minimizing purchase deliberation and decision fatigue.



Use Composer to install the module or get the code for review:

composer config --auth <Public Key> <Private Key> # Add or update Access Keys in auth.json
# e.g. composer config --auth 39b747b8ab1d624582bb3n1a09deb489 31b9fce4cb78f523fd34aa3abb90c89c
  • Execute the following commands:
composer require vct/pricediff # Install the module using Composer
bin/magento setup:upgrade --safe-mode=1 # Update the database schema and data
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy --force # Deploy static view files
  • The module was installed in vendor/vct directory.

Optional execute in production mode:

bin/magento setup:di:compile # Recompile the code in production mode

Help for common issues is on the FAQ page.
For further assistance, contact me by email

Get your authentication keys and install an extension in the Adobe Commerce Documentation.


Use Composer to update the module or get the code for review:

composer require --update-with-dependencies vct/pricediff # Update the module using Composer
bin/magento setup:upgrade --safe-mode=1 # Update the database schema and data
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy --force # Deploy static view files

Execute only in production mode:

bin/magento setup:di:compile # Recompile the code in production mode

Upgrade an extension in the Adobe Commerce Documentation.


Execute the following commands to uninstall a module:

bin/magento module:uninstall Vct_PriceDiff # Uninstall module
bin/magento setup:upgrade --safe-mode=1 # Update the database schema and data
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy --force # Deploy static view files

Uninstall modules in the Adobe Commerce Documentation.



Flush Magento Cache in System Cache Management after configuration change to see the changes!

Clean and flush cache types in the Adobe Commerce Documentation.


Use Use System Value / Use Default / Use Website checkbox to the right of the setting to set the default value.

Use system value in the Adobe Commerce Documentation.

Hide Price Difference

ConfigHide Price Difference
Admin pathVCT Price Diff General
TypeYes No
DescriptionYes to hide or No to display price difference in a configurable product options dropdown.

For example, before and after:

Before After